Sexual Energy is the Highest Form of Energy in the World

I am passionate about helping people embrace their authenticity and sexuality to the fullest and release the shame that can exist around this. Most of us tend to have defensive mechanisms we’ve picked up to protect ourselves. I faced my own shame and shut-down in the process of moving towards a life of freedom and embodiment. Through that I am able to offer my support and compassion and create a safe space to explore and liberate yourself. Curious about you and your desires, even those, that society views as dark, weird or shameful. I will guide you in developing  awareness, self-worth, confidence, and communication skills to ask for what you want, and create the life and relationships that are right for you.


Hi, I am Emma

I truly care about people, our planet, and about maximising potential. I work from the belief that we create our reality with – the thoughts we choose to give power to, – the language we use, and – the actions we take on a daily basis. If you get this and want to uncover and discover your unconscious beliefs, and activate your hidden potential, then I may be the coach for you!


How can I be of service?

One on One Coaching

  • Self development
  • Intimacy/Sexuality
  • Trauma healing
  • Kink/BDSM

Relationship/ Couple Coaching

  • Relationship counseling
  • Couples sexuality
  • Kink advisor

Energy/ Body work

  • Relaxing massage
  • Active/Passive guidance
  • Awakening the body


I embrace the power of connection and believe that by connecting with others and building relationships, we can create a supportive community that thrives on mutual support and cooperation. Rather than competition


Follow my Journey ✍🏽

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